The Eldorado Cowboys
Where the fun in Cowboy Action Shooting begins.
Best Shoot by a Dam Site is on our heels!
The Eldorado Cowboys will hosting the NEVADA STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS OF COWBOY ACTION SHOOTING this year, Dam site style!
We will be moving the State Championships to our spring match.
Click on the Dam Site tab above for more details.
We hope to see you all there on the range!
We are excited to have the Nevada Rangers at our Range in Boulder City! They will be shooting the second weekend of the month and information for this will be found on the Nevada Rangers above!
Rangers Will be shooting on the second weekend on the Month and will be shooting Cowboy on the Saturday and Wild Bunch on Sunday!
Next Shoot
February 1st, and 2nd 2025
Starting in January of 2025, we will be shooting the first weekend and Rangers on the second weekend in Boulder city! We are excited about that.
Looking forward to seeing you all out on the range!
The Cowboy area is located all the way to the East of where we have been currently shooting, through the new Discipline gates and East as far as you can drive. PLEASE SEE MAP BELOW.
Don't Forget to check out our Photo Gallery
We will be setting up and shooting in our new area.
Turning east just after bay 12, past where we have been shooting, and going all the way to the end as far as you can go.
We have moved to winter hours and will start shooting at 9am. Setup will begin at 8am
Looking forward to seeing you all on the Range.
Monthly shoots are the first Sunday and the preceding Saturday of every month
Check out other club Schedules for monthly matches, annual Events and other Cowboy information around the state of Nevada using the links below.
Check out other club Schedules for monthly matches, annual Events and other Cowboy information around the state of Nevada using the links below.
Eldorado Cowboys are a Family oriented, SASS affiliated Cowboy action shooting club.
We are located in Boulder City Nevada.
Please contact us for more information using the contact us tab, in the MENU buttons on top.
We are located in Boulder City Nevada.
Please contact us for more information using the contact us tab, in the MENU buttons on top.
Eldorado Cowboys Membership
You can view Eldorado cowboys membership information using the link below if you are interested in becomeing a member, or to renew membership.
You can view Eldorado cowboys membership information using the link below if you are interested in becomeing a member, or to renew membership.
Links to SASS information is below